Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Manufacturing Technologies - Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Manufacturing Technologies - 1 - Assignment Example 382). In the present technologically changing environment, the manufacturers of goods and services need to improve on their current products to survive. Hence demand forecasting is crucial for the companies to make their product satisfy the needs of the consumer. Hence the concept of Product life cycle is very important. It is a tool through which we can analyse the demand within an industry. Through this PLC, it is possible to identify when a product needs to be replaced to make way for another product so that the manufacturer can make decision of introducing another new product replacing the existing one so that the manufacturer can earn profit (Gillies, 1996, p. 127). According to PLC theory a firm in any industry can predict the shift of product from one stage to another and hence will be able to adopt proper marketing-mix polices like when to replace a product with newer improved version to meet the expectations of the consumers. In 2004, the replacement purchases accounted for 55% of the digital camera sales, 63% of cell phones sales and 82% of computer sales. Product Life Cycle A product life cycle shows the sales pattern a product over a period of time. The time span begins with the period of introduction and ends with replacement of the product. Basic Stages in the Product Life Cycle Figure 1: Product Life Cycle Introduction / Development stage. Growth Stage Maturity Stage Decline Stage Here we will concentrate mainly on the Maturity Stage. It is here where the manufacturer has to get rid of old products and come out with strategies to rebrand the old products or manufacture and altogether new products in their portfolio of products. In the Maturity stage the product faces lot of market competitors and hence the profit declines as percentage of the sales (Grieves, 2006, p. 23). Hence companies when facing this has to come up with strategies to preserve their customer base and achieve profitability. Automobile Industry Figure 2: PLC of Car Industry In a utomobile industry the car manufacturers needs to replace their old cars with new cars to meet the demand and needs of the customers. Automobile industry faces extraordinary level of competition, which make the carmakers produce cars with a higher degree of differentiation (Kumar and Krob, 2006, p. 114). This makes the demand more elastic in nature and hence the carmakers are face with making new cars. In the 1970s most of the western car makers were in the saturation stages. Like in USA and Europe there was a demand of high motorization rate i.e. more car per person and hence the car manufactures had to make new products. The consumer’s decision to purchase a new car is based primarily on the search for a better car with more innovative solutions than ever before (Jones and Mathew, 2008, p. 384). Hence to retain the old customers and get new ones, the carmakers must offer new or better products to the customers at any time the customers decide. Car makers know that any delay in the product – innovation across the product life cycle will result in potential loss of consumer base. Whenever a car manufacturer comes out with newer car model, large manufacturers have economies of scale so that they can easily make the use of their resources and manufacture the new cars at a much reduced cost. Sometimes re launching of new car is not the only option. Car manufacturers sometimes decide to rebrand their

Monday, October 28, 2019

Need for More Artful and Realistic Porn Essay Example for Free

Need for More Artful and Realistic Porn Essay 1. Introduction For a long time, pornography has been viewed as something exclusively for men. In the 1980’s, pornography was a feminist issue in which feminists claimed that pornography was a form of violence against women (Sun et al., 2008). Often enough, it has been claimed that women do not have any interest in explicit representations of sex. However, in the past years, women have increasingly started to become interested in pornography. But most pornographic materials are made for and by men. However, there are even some pornography magazines aimed at women readers (Smith, 2007). Not only the consumption of porn, but also the production and direction of pornography seem to be activities where women are involved in more than ever before. Pornography has been a subject of philosophy for a number of philosophers. Some of them, including Larry May, believe pornography harms groups of people. In contrast to Larry May, Sallie Tisdale argues that pornography can be of help to individuals. THESIS: There should be different kinds of porn (more artistic/realistic/made by womenmore artistic) so that porn has no negative effects / to enlarge the positive effects of porn / abolish / diminish the negative effects. 2. Exposition -How porn can help Tisdale argues that porn can help in many different ways. First of all, she emphasizes that porn is part of our sexuality. The first advantage Tisdale discusses is that porn can help to see how many different things sex can mean. Secondly, being able to expose your true self makes it easier to expose yourself to others. Thirdly, being exposed to pornography helps letting go judgments about yourself, which, in turn, makes you let go of judgments against the desires and acts of others. Also, porn clarifies your interests (only aware of it after exposure to it) and might create new interests. It reveals aspects of yourself that you were unaware of until then. The last advantage of porn Tisdale discusses is that it can lead to the realization that none of your thoughts are bad, that anything goes. -How negative affects/emotions can get in the way of porn’s helpfulness Even though Tisdale argues that porn can help individuals, she is still sometimes surprised, or even shocked, by her own reaction to pornography. Shame Disgust of own response to porn ‘Disliked my own response’ ‘I felt a heady mix of disgust and excitement’ (p. 423) Body versus mind. Depressed Nausea Why does she even have these reactions? 3. Furthering Tisdale’s project Tisdale wishes for a more craft, a more artful packaging of pornography. (p 426) Furthering Tisdale’s project by establishing how porn could be less negative by being more artful or more artistic. Richard Summer’s ‘Local Porn Project’. Summer desires more realistic porn. He wants people to be able to identify themselves and recognize what is happening in porn. He argues that right now, porn is detached from reality. This is a problem, because sex is actually a very real thing with real benefits, experiences and consequences. Porn right now, does not express sexuality in the right way. Summer’s Local Porn project aims to make thoughtful and genuine porn. Will more artful/realistic porn help to prevent these negative emotions? Tisdale wishes for more artful pornography. There are two ways in which this can be realized: either by making more realistic porn or by having more female directors and producers. As aforementioned, Women are now making films for women viewers. Sun et al. (2008) investigated how the context of pornography made by female and men directors differ. Their results show that, indeed, the content of pornography produced by women differs significantly on several aspects from pornography made produced by men. Pornography produced by women more frequently contained objects designed for genital stimulation. It presented women performing oral sex on men and ejaculation on the face and mouth less frequently. Also, pornography made by women more frequently has a female as main character and more frequently show only women. Pornography produced by men hardly ever contained women only. Female directed porn and male directed porn did not differ in the number of aggressive acts. However, male directed pornography show twice as many men perpetrating. Overall, one can say that pornography produces by  women and men differ significantly.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

traglear The Tragic Truth of King Lear :: King Lear essays

The Tragic Truth of King Lear      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   King Lear is another story of a soul in torment, a "purgatorial" story. Again the tragic writer has internalized a commonplace action, the facts of which were legendary and presumably known to Shakespeare's audience. Like the Poet of Job, who dramatized the tragic alternatives to the folk story, and like Marlowe, who saw the elements of tragic dilemma in the story of Faustus, Shakespeare transformed the tale of the mythical, pre-Christian King Lear ("who ruled over the Britons in the year of the world 3105, at what time Joas ruled in Judah") into a dramatic action whose shape and quality define Christian tragedy in its full development. This is not to say (as it should now be clear) that the play accords with Christian doctrine --- certainly not the Christian view of death and salvation, although the values of the Christian ethics are abundantly illustrated. Nor does the term "Christian tragedy" make a statement about the author's faith or lack of it. It suggests the meeting in a single dramatic action of the non-Christian (Greek, pagan, or humanist) with the Christian to produce a world of multiplied alternatives, terrible in its inconclusiveness --- as, for instance, the "terrifying ambiguity" with which Faustus confronts us --- in which the certainties of revealed Christianity lose the substance of faith and become only tantalizing possibilities hovering about but not defining the action, like Horatio's "flights of angels" or the "holy water" of Cordelia's tears. Marlowe followed out the old story, even to the devils carrying off Faustus amidst thunder; but his actual Hell is humanist ("Where we are is hell," said Mephistophilis) and, like the Heaven Faustus reached for in the end, functions in the play less as an objective Christian belief than as a way of dramatizing inner reality. The one absolute reality that Faustus discovered, and the absolute reality all tragedy affirms and to which Christian tragedy gives new emphasis and infinite di mension, was the reality of what Christianity calls the soul --- that part of man, or element of his nature, which transcends time and space, which may have an immortal habitation, and which is at once the seat and the cause of his greatest struggle and greatest anxiety. Compared with Faustus, King Lear shows this situation in a much vaster ramification, until it seems to touch the highest ("the gods that keep the dreadful pudder o'er our heads") and the lowliest, and is finally caught up in a Greeklike fate that carries the action to a swift and terrible conclusion.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ded Na Si Lolo Essay

â€Å"Ded Na Si Lolo† is an independent film highlighting the different superstitious beliefs of Filipinos. The movie limits itself only to Filipino superstitions when a family member passed away. Some of these superstitions are: wearing a red colored attire when you are going to a wake is prohibited; rosary should be cut so that a family member will not be the next one to pass away; it is bad luck to take a bath at the house where the dead lies; it is bad luck to clean the house; it is forbidden to accompany guests leaving the wake; and putting a chick on top of the casket means that the dead was murdered. It is funny how we, Filipinos, keep on following them although we do not even know where all of these superstitions came from. Maybe this is because we do not lose anything every time we do these stuffs. In the movie, I see myself in the character played by Roderick Paulate which is Junee. I am the kind of person who does not usually believe in superstitions and sometimes finds them hilarious, but, just like Junee, I cannot resist following these superstitions because of the people around me. It is true that these beliefs have become part of our culture and I think there is nothing wrong with that as long as these beliefs do not cause us harm and chaos. As we follow every superstition, we should bear in mind that it is still in our hands whether we will succeed or not. Barely believing and practicing different superstitions for good luck will never be enough. Dedication and perseverance are still the keys for success and also the aid of Almighty God. With regards to the movie itself, I was completely entertained. Every actor and actress in the movie did very well. They were able to play the roles assigned to them excellently.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

English as official language of the United States Essay

â€Å"News from 2000 Census is that 49 percent of Hispanics in America are not fluent in English. They are the fastest growing minority in the United States, representing 12. 5 percent of the population. The legal picture for Hispanics is also astonishing. EEOC complaints have more. than doubled in 5 years, and settlements have risen to over $50 million. † (Harrop, 2001) The inhabitants of the United States have never had any official language. Over 6 % of primary school children in the United States were instructed in German until the World War I. Over 45 million American nationals still state that their forefathers spoke German. Large scale immigration in the 20th century led to the inhabitance of multilingual people inside the US. Therefore, around 336 different languages are presently spoken which comprise of 176 endemic dialects. More than 47 million American nationals use a language other than English within their homes including 30 million Spanish speakers. Since a significant number of US nationals feel comfortable while speaking a language other than English, the federal government should not make English the official language of the United States. The US Senate voted to select English the official language and prohibited the use of other languages for federal government orders and services. â€Å"The 63-34 vote, on an amendment offered by the Oklahoma Republican James Inhofe, split the Senate along largely party lines, with only nine of the 44 Democrats voting for it, and just one Republican voting against. † (Cornwell, 2006) Democratic minority leader Harry Reid identified this amendment as â€Å"racist† whereas Ken Salazar, a Colorado Democrat of Hispanic origin, described it as â€Å"divisive and anti-American†. (Cornwell, 2006) Such a law neglects any provisions for services in languages other than English. This would be a problematic situation for those Americans who cannot speak English fluently. This would also force new immigrants to have considerable knowledge of English language before they get US nationality. It is surprising to note that English language voted out German by a difference of just one vote when it was selected as the official language of the US by Congressmen in the year 1795. (Cornwell, 2006) â€Å"Enacted at the apex of the Great Society, the Bilingual Education Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Johnson without a single voice raised in dissent. Americans have spent the past 30 years debating what it was meant to accomplish. Was this 1968 law intended primarily to assimilate limited-English-proficient (LEP) children more efficiently? To teach them English as rapidly as possible? To encourage bilingualism and biliteracy? To remedy academic underachievement and high dropout rates? To raise the self-esteem of minority students? To promote social equality? Or to pursue all of these goals simultaneously? The legislative history of the bill provides no definitive answer. † (Crawford, 50) English Only Movement The English Only Movement (EOM), a movement initiated in the 1980s, is a sequel of the procedure of domestic colonialism. This will also lead to the demolition of the other languages which are spoken by minorities. In the year 1979, a Report by Carnegie Corporation pointed out that â€Å"bilingual education was the preeminent civil rights issue within Hispanic communities. † (Penna, Shepherd, pg. 147) Bilingual education also became a key issue creating distress in the Mexican community inside the United States according to different researches carried out by the U. S. Civil Rights Commission ( 1967- 1975). Researches also reveled that the academic system inside the US was thought of as being against the cultural traditions of the Mexican population. This led to negative effects including inferiority complexes amongst the Mexicans. There is no doubt in the fact that the eradication of a community’s traditions and customs is an abuse of the basic civil rights regarding the linguistic and cultural survival of a specific community. On the domestic level, the English Only amendment in the state of California was a triumph for those who support the use of English as an official language. It gave legal status to an issue that goes against biculturalism and bilingualism. During the period between 1986 and 1989, voters and legislators in thirty-nine states took into account plans analogous to the Californian amendment. This led to the appearance of 17 states with English as the official language. The English only third house had been succeeded in bringing bilingual education policy to the leading position of national debate, it includes questions, the approach of scientific teachings of bilingual education and it also contains a federal resolution in this could help English be official language of the United States. Law at the highest point of the great society, the bilingual education act was passed by congress and it was signed to become a law by President Johnson without saying a single word against it. Americans, have spent thirty years in discussing that what it meant to achieve. â€Å"Was this 1968 law intended primarily to assimilate limited-English-proficient (LEP) children more efficiently? To raise the self-esteem of minority students? To promote social equality? Or to pursue all of these goals simultaneously? The legislative history of the bill provides no definitive answer. † (Crawford, 50) Melting Pot Theory The discussion over, if the United States is an assimilationist or form a society embracing many minority groups and culture traditions which are very old. There were some exchanging of views forcefully that United States is a melting pot, which means that people of various nations settle in America and forced to resemble which means to become an American completely. â€Å"The March 14 to 16 poll of 1,007 likely voters with a margin of error of three percentage points showed that 63 percent of Americans would like to have ballots and voting materials only in English, compared with 35 percent who wanted them printed in English and other languages. † (Lawmakers Push Official English, A06) Because these declarations repeat the study of Myths of the Melting Pot, as well as spread throughout wrong ideas about languages which are mostly not challenged but nothing is supported by the record of history. In fact, history of the US language policy – or lack of one – both work at lower price than the logical basis for official English and provide warning lessons about teaching actions to restrict languages which are rarely use. 1. Unfavorable to myth, the United States has never been a basic speaking and/or using only one language country. By the period of time, one from eight of permanent inhabitants reported a languages background other than English in 1976, this is variety of nothing new but some skilled persons in languages or study of languages believe that the United States has been the habitant of more persons able to speak two languages than any other nation in the history of the world. As early as 1664, when the colony of the New Netherlands came into possession of British, eighteen different languages were spoken on Manhattan Island, not including the language spoken by the local inhabitants of America which were numbered more than five hundred in North America at the time. 2. Considering the US history, the prevailing federal policy on languages has only maintained tolerance and adjustments. In spite of the language variety in 1787, the famous took no interest to protect or encourage English: United States constituents. Because discussion were held in private and we must depend on James Madison’s informal notes, it is not clear, if any language issues came up during the federal agreement on social behavior in Philadelphia (Farrand 1913). But available facts strongly suggest that our early leaders regarded language laws of any type as a cause of harm to civil freedom from captivity. 3. Recognizing about rarely spoken languages reflected bilingual and non-English – language schools which were ordinary in many districts until the long time period of World War I. In 1710, British missionaries were invited to maintain schools among the Iroquois League of Ally States, with the demand that students should be informed or taught with their national languages. Parts of bible which were translated in Mohawk language were included in the texts used. In 1802, Congress began a yearly devotion of ($15,000) to encourage â€Å"civilization among the old inhabitants (before the arrival of colonists). † This money was devoted to religious schools in which many schools were bilingual. 4. The liberation policy on languages was the best and ideal policy for this country, but it is no upheld especially among people conquered and angry for supposed un-justice; people living in colonies and some racial people. Attitudes of the 19th centuries towards their right of language were considerably less tolerant than say towards speakers of German, French or Scandinavian languages Conclusion As written in this paper, there are many ways that lower class is being saved from being forgotten in the US. For his reason, it is important to be known by the mysterious ways in which this is happening. Language is another simple of making sure that the class’s position in society is prevailing. â€Å"English as the nation’s dominant language is no more threatened at the turn of the 21st century than it was at the turn of the 20th. To the contrary, it is all the other languages that are endangered – and would soon die out, if not for the replenishing effects of immigration. † (Official English/English Only, n. p. ) It has been as issue for decades that some influential groups/people have been trying to restrict other languages and promote English Language. On the other hand, this policy has not been accepted and approved by the majority of Americans as it is discriminatory. This idea is not hidden that making English as the US official language is the agenda of White Americans – it also unveils the approach of White American as they don’t want more immigrants from the third world countries. Works Cited Cornwell, Rupert. May 20, 2006. At last, America has an official language (and yes, it’s English) Independent, The (London) James Crawford. Language Politics in the U. S. A. : The Paradox of Bilingual Education. Journal Social Justice. Volume: 25. Issue: 3. Year: 1998. Page Number: 50 Maureen E. Harrop. Managing a Non-English-Speaking Workforce – Hispanic Americans – Brief Article – Statistical Data Included. Modern Machine Shop, Nov, 2001 http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3101/is_6_74/ai_79900955 Accessed, April 21, 2007 Lawmakers Push Official English; Bills Tied to Immigration Reform. The Washington Times. Publication Date: April 3, 2006. Page Number: A06. Official English/English Only . n. d. http://www. elladvocates. org/englishonly. html Accessed, April 21, 2007 David Penna and George W. Shepherd Jr. Racism and the Underclass: State Policy and Discrimination against Minorities. Publisher: Greenwood Press. Place of Publication: New York. Year: 1991. Page Number: 145.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Word Choice Inflict vs. Afflict - Proofeds Writing Tips

Word Choice Inflict vs. Afflict - Proofeds Writing Tips Word Choice: Inflict vs. Afflict The verbs inflict and afflict are spelled similarly and, indeed, closely related in meaning, since both refer to pain or suffering. However, these terms are also opposites in some senses, so it is vital not to confuse them in your written work. Read on to find out more. Inflict (Cause Suffering) The verb inflict means cause or impose something unpleasant, usually pain or suffering. Inflict is a transitive verb, so always takes a direct object (the thing being inflicted) and usually requires an indirect object (the thing being affected): The rider inflicted whip wounds upon the horse. In the sentence above, the direct object of inflict is whip wounds, while the indirect object is the horse being whipped. You can also use inflict to mean imposing something unwelcome, often an opinion. In this case, we could use it in a sentence like this: At Christmas, Aunt Emily inflicted her extreme views about child discipline upon our entire family. Afflict (Suffer from Something) The verb afflict means distress or affect something adversely. It is often used passively rather than actively, meaning that we usually say that someone has been afflicted by something. For example: Many people in the region were afflicted by a contagious disease. You can use afflict with the active voice by placing the subject of the sentence before the verb: Whooping cough usually afflicts those who have not been immunized. Something that afflicts a victim is an affliction. This means a state of pain or suffering. You can also use afflict and affliction figuratively, or sometimes sarcastically, to exaggerate the suffering involved in something: We had to cancel our holiday because we’re too busy. Please sympathize with us in our affliction. Inflict or Afflict? These words could both be used to describe the same situation, depending on the perspective adopted. However, because of this, it is essential not to confuse them in your work. Remember, to inflict is to cause somebody pain, suffering or injury. To be afflicted is to be the victim of pain, suffering or injury. If you would like more advice, or to have a 500-word sample of your work proofread for free, get in touch with Proofed today!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Great Expectations - The Character Of Mrs Joe Essays - Free Essays

Great Expectations - The Character Of Mrs Joe Essays - Free Essays Great Expectations - The Character Of Mrs Joe Great Expectations - Mrs. Joe The importance of Mrs. Joe in Great Expectations has two major parts: the significance of the character, and the symbolism of the character. The signifance of Mrs. Joe is to complete the figure of Joe The symbolism of Mrs. Joe is actually the physical manifestation of Joe's fears in combination with his desire for a commanding father-figure. First, Mrs. Joe's reign of terror is obviously necessary for Joe's existence. In the beginning of Great Expectations, Joe requires identification as a major character. Without the weakness that Mrs. Joe instills in Joe via her reign of terror, Joe never develops to a major character. Joe is identified as a compassionate, sensitive character, and the most direct way to display this feature is to have the character appear vulnerable. Mrs. Joe serves as the tyrant for which Joe is made helpless. Joe, unless he is a scared character, does not recognize the friend he has in Pip. Without Joe as a major role in Pip's life, Pip also seems very incomplete. Second, Mrs. Joe also serves as the comical interlude of an otherwise sombre story. When she had exhausted a torrent of such inquiries, she threw a candlestick at Joe, burst into a loud sobbing, got out the dustpan which was always a very bad sign put on her coarse apron, and began cleaning up to a terrible extent. Not satisfied with a dry cleaning, she took to a pail and scrubbing-brush, and cleaned us out of house and home,... Truly, a frightening creature is that that may destroy a household by cleaning when anger besets her. Third, the comedy also has a serious side, though, as we remember our mothers exerting their great frustrations upon the household tasks of cleanliness. So, Mrs. Joe serves very well as a mother to Pip. Besides the age difference and the motherly duties of housekeeping for Pip and Joe, the attitude of a scornful mother is also apparent. This, of course, draws Joe even closer to Pip, by relation. Mrs. Joe serves as link to make it so that Joe appears very much to be the father of Pip. In addition, Joe, although terrified of Mrs. Joe, is a very honorable man and would never consider divorcing his wife. Through this condition, however, Joe appears to be even a more honorable man to choose to preserve the sacred marriage rather than seek his comfort. It is ironic that Mrs. Joe be referred to as Mrs. Joe constantly when there doesn't seem to much a part of Joe in her. The main purpose it serves is probably to characterize Mrs. Joe as a more masculine, and, therefore, typically more commanding, character. In the tradition of marriage, the wife usually gives up her last name to show that she is property of the man, therefore it is especially ironic that she be called Mrs. Joe when it is clear that Joe, rather, belongs more to her than vice-versa. It is also ironic that Joe be the one that seems to be stuck in tough situation in his marraige. Often, in this time, women suffered from the abuse of their husbands and expected to keep the marriage together regardless. However, Joe is clearly the one being abused in this story and he also is the only one decent enough to care enough about the marraige to try and keep it together by enduring the abuse of Mrs. Joe. Fifth, through love, Joe shows the audience that truly he is not just a very timid man but a whole-hearted man. Truly, it takes a loving man to stay in love with such a woman as Mrs. Joe. No kissing ever took place between Joe and Mrs. Joe (much less child birth), and it becomes clear to the reader that the relationship between Joe and Mrs. Joe is a very one-way relationship. It would seem that Joe cares enough for Mrs. Joe, though Mrs. Joe never once seems to show a bit of compassion for Joe. Illustration of this can be seen in Mrs. Joe's numerous dorogatory references to being married to a lowly blacksmith. Surely, after Mrs. Joe dies, Joe reflects upon how

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Alphabetical Phrasal Verbs Reference List

Alphabetical Phrasal Verbs Reference List Phrasal verbs are verbs that are made up of a main verb and followed by particle, usually prepositions. Most phrasal verbs are two or three words and can be quite challenging for English learners as they can be literal or figurative in meaning. In other words, sometimes it is easy to understand the meaning (such as get up), but in the case of figurative meanings can be quite confusing (such as pick up). Begin learning phrasal verbs with a limited list. The list below provides a good starting point for intermediate level English learners. Teachers can use this introducing phrasal verbs lesson plan to help students become more familiar with phrasal verbs and start building phrasal verb vocabulary. Finally, there are a wide variety of phrasal verb resources on the site to help you learn new phrasal verbs and test your understanding with quizzes. This ESL phrasal verb reference guide is intended for English learners. The guide contains some of the most important phrasal verbs used in everyday English. There are many, many more phrasal verbs, but I have chosen these verbs as a good starting point for English learners. Each phrasal verb is defined, has an example sentence for context, and states whether the definition is separable or inseparable, transitive or intransitive. For more information on how to use phrasal verbs, read the phrasal verb guide on this site. Important phrasal verbs in English starting with the letter A. Includes examples and whether the phrasal verb is separable / inseparable, transitive / intransitive. S Separable IS Inseparable T Transitive IT - Intransitive account for explain, be the reason for His lack of interest accounts for his poor grades. IS T act on take an action Tom acted on the information. IS T add to increase the size This chair will add to the furniture we already have. S T add up make sense Your guess adds up based on all the facts. IS IT agree with have the same opinion as someone I agree with Tom about the need for better schools. IS T allow something for provide time, money, or other resource for something You need to allow two hours for traffic. S T answer for something be responsible for something The director answers for the drop in sales last quarter. IS T argue something out discuss all the details to come to an agreement We argued our differences out and signed a contract. S T arrive at something agree upon something We arrived at a contract last week. IS T ask after somebody ask how someone is doing I asked after Kate last week and her mother told me she was doing well. IS T attend to something take care of something you need to do Peter attended to preparations for the party while his wife cooked the dinner. IS T average something out arrive at the average figure I average the contracts out and well make a profit of $250,000. S T

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dirt Bikes Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dirt Bikes Management - Essay Example The company has since customized its products to racing and off-road recreational activities. The company does marketing through involving or participating in staged races with it bikes. The most renowned dirty bike staged races in the United States include the Daytona Bike Week competitions and Barstow-Las Vegas race. The company has four services that include the Enduro 250, the Enduro 550, the Moto 300 and the Moto 450. d) How many employees are managers, production workers, or knowledge or information workers? Are there levels of management? The company has since grown from two employees that it started with as its owners to the current 120 employees that include design, engineering, and production teams along with 3 engineers and 3 full-time product designers. Additionally, the company has 20 employees in line with corporate sales and administrative staff. The company also has 4 person parts department. The departmental employees form the company’s management team that in clude 5 employees in the shipping and receiving department, 1 marketing manager, 1 controller, I accountant, 1 administrative assistant, 2 HRs, and 2 information system specialists. The above listing and categorizing of employees show that the company has well-articulated levels of management. e) What kinds of information systems and technologies would be the most important for a company such as Dirt Bikes? Information systems and technologies are vital in facilitating decision making both at high and low levels of management.

International organisations. United Nations in Human Rights, ICJ & ICC Essay

International organisations. United Nations in Human Rights, ICJ & ICC - Essay Example International Court of Justice, on the other hand, is under affiliation with the United Nations. It settles disputes, which are put forward by individual states. In addition, it gives legal advice to states (Smith, pp. 55-60, 2007). A legal procedure has to be followed for international court of justice once a case is filed in the court. Hence, it is obvious that International Criminal Court tries individuals whereas International Court of Justice deals with the issues of a state and hence deals with larger bodies. These are mostly states that are members of the UN. In addition, since advisory services on legal matters are also provided in International Court of Justice, the cases dealt here have to undergo an entire formal procedure. There has been debate about the empowerment of these institutions, and non-governmental bodies have been emphasizing the empowerment of ICC as well. They emphasize on handling the cases regarding the exercise of power to International Criminal Court (Smith, pp. 55-60, 2007). On the other hand, others believe that ICJ should be given the matters to decide. Hence, it remains matter of debate but a trend that is established that individuals and non-governmental bodies preferring ICC to IJC. ... The mandate of UN was to respect human rights and make justice available to everyone, regardless of their creed, color, or race. However, it has been an argument that this may not be the case as Saudi Arabia is also a member of the UN. Since Saudi Arabia is a place where a woman is not allowed to leave the house without a man and where gays are not well represented at all, it is a contradiction to its mandate (Advancing Human Rights, 2011). International efforts to establish peace and govern human rights emerged especially after World War II when the harm extended to the human race was observed (Halderman, page 275, 1979). This was the time after which United Nations emerged as a peace making body, and its task was to make sure that wars were avoided as much as possible and matters of dispute were tried based on talks and discussions rather than wars, which cause immense loss to human life and infrastructure alike. Recently, the aims of United Nations include the security and well-be ing of people and larger bodies, including states that are its members. Its work is extended on the micro scale to humanitarian assistance, to ensure equality and well-being to humans living across the world. It also undergoes economic and social developments of states. This is done by providing infrastructure to the poorer nations that are its members. In addition, it can bring this about by abolishing some unfair practices that exists in certain areas, a very popular example of which is child labor. United Nations funds its projects through some of the member states. The function of United Nations is debatable due to differences of interests of different groups of individuals. Hence, their different actions can be debated on basis of

Friday, October 18, 2019

The impacts of oil spills on marine and terrestrial ecosystems Research Paper

The impacts of oil spills on marine and terrestrial ecosystems - Research Paper Example In this case, the paper will focus on discussing effects of oil leaks on marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems World's marine and terrestrial ecosystems are better understood through the subject of increasing use and efforts aimed at protecting specific marine species and habitats. In fact, these efforts entail designation of certain marine habitats with greater limitations applying to the activities being permitted (Viscusi, 2006). There is also increasing effort to learn about the sources of pollution in marine environment and the measures for the reduction of the amount of pollution. Marine and terrestrial ecosystems pollution refers to the contamination of the lakes and other water bodies by substances that are harmful to the living things. The pollution is associated with many issues among them being deaths of living things like the fish, birds and other animals that use water source (GLIN, 2010). Nevertheless, the pape r will focus on discussing the impact of oil spills on marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Oil spills occurs from the ships, leaky underground storage tanks, pipelines and track tankers that consist of petroleum products, which are harmful when ingested by the living organisms in marine and terrestrial ecosystems (World shipping council, 2012). ... Numerous oil spills have been documented through various literatures in both technical and scientific field (Lounsbury, 2003). However, this documentation does not guarantee complete understanding of the effects of oil pollution to marine and terrestrial ecosystems. In fact, indication of the scale and durations regarding these effects is obtained from available information. On the other hand, there is a substantial difficulty presented in the process of balancing the perception and realities involved in the impacts of oil spills. Moreover, this has resulted to polarization of the scientific communities due to their differentiated perceptions concerning the nature of the oil spills impacts. There are groups of scientists who oppose the camps with a side that focuses on quantification of aspects of damages. Other scientists focus on the capacity of the environmental recovery from the adverse impact of these oil spills (University of Michigan, 2006). Nonetheless, the reality relates to the significance of the damages that occur on marine and terrestrial ecosystems due to these oil spills, and ways to derive general information concerning the spills and their effects and longevity. There is a high complexity in the marine and terrestrial ecosystems, which is caused by the fluctuation in species composition, profusion and distribution. However, there is a substantial understanding of the significance of damages caused by the impact of the oil spills (University of Michigan, 2006). For instance, these oil spills can cause a reduction of the breeding success, productivity, diversity and functions of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Therefore, there

An Investigation Of The Common Reason Special Education Students Fail Dissertation

An Investigation Of The Common Reason Special Education Students Fail To Graduate From High School - Dissertation Example ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Background 2 Problem Statement 12 Purpose of the Study 15 Research Questions 16 Scope of the Study 16 Limitations and Delimitations 17 Definition of Terms 20 Research Plan 21 CHAPTER TWO 25 LITERATURE REVIEW 25 Introduction 25 Overview 26 Institutional reasons for dropping out 39 School belonging and dropout rates 45 Special education services and dropout rates 48 Exit exams 50 Inclusion: Does it reduce dropout rates? 55 Teachers and inclusion 65 Dropout prevention programs 72 IEP programming 75 Transition programming 77 Programs attending to social and academic elements of student lives: Finn’s participation-identification model of school engagement-belonging 80 School belonging and engagement and special education 92 Case studies of best practice school engagement programs that have improved the retention level of special education students in high school 100 C onclusion 103 CHAPTER THREE 105 METHODOLOGY 105 Introduction 105 Research Questions 106 Design 107 Active Observation 113 Intensive Interview 115 Replication of the Study 117 The Researcher’s Role 118 Data Collection Procedures 118 In-depth Interviews 119 Qualitative Data Analysis 122 The Coding Process 123 Trustworthiness 127 Ethical Considerations 129 APPENDIX A 143 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION High School Dropout Concerns Educators, policy makers and researchers have consistently tied the achievement gap to the student dropout rate (Ladson-Billings, 2006). As a result, educators, parents, employers and policy makers have expressed concerned over the persistent high drop-out rate particularly among high school students (Burris & Welner, 2005). For instance, reports from the US Census Bureau...For instance, reports from the US Census Bureau indicate that over the last 20 years or so, high school rates in the US have steadily declined to such an extent that it reached 90% (Barton , 2006). There has been a corresponding decline in labor force numbers indicating that fewer and fewer under-educated persons are entering the workforce (Lee and Mather, 2008). Tyler and Lofstrom (2009) reviewed US student data and concluded that dropout rate consistently fluctuates between 22 and 25 percent. The Editorial Projects in Education (EPE) Research Center (2010) conducted a national report, which found that approximately 1.3 million youth drop out of high school every year. However, the White House (as cited in America’s Promise Alliance, 2009) reported the number as a slightly lower figure of 1.2 million. A quantitative review of statistics by Sum et al (2009) demonstrates that â€Å"the incidence of institutionalization problems among young high school dropouts was more than 63 times higher than among young four-year college graduates† (p. 9). The need for effective dropout prevention strategies is important because the increasingly significant gap between the student who leaves high school without earning his/her diploma and the high school graduate has increasingly widened since the 1970s with regard to career mobility, unemploy ment rates and wages.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

High-Performing Teams Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

High-Performing Teams - Assignment Example A person in leadership needs to constantly adapt to the dynamic nature of reality. Also, a leader needs to be flexible enough to handle change. Accepting and working with change helps a leader to ultimately learn from the adjustments. It teaches one to keep aiming for the goals, even when faced with detours and delays. Being flexible also helps in changing a leader’s own behavior in case he or she is the one that is derailing progress (Lencioni, 2002). Leaders who derail in their managerial career have three characteristics in common. The first characteristic is having difficulty in changing or adapting. Many leaders occasionally lack the change skills for leadership and change implementation. In many cases, they lack the skill of being flexible. They are unable to get used to the culture of the organization. Secondly, some leaders derail in leadership due to problems with interpersonal relations. Those leaders who do not have interpersonal tend to be abrasive, insensitive and intimidating in their style of leadership. In some cases, they are arrogant and aloof. In addition, such leaders do not have good interpersonal communication which is a big skill deficiency that affects others (Yukl, 2010). The last trait is inability to build and lead a team and not meeting organizational objectives. Many leaders are unable to build a good team due to poor staffing ability. Failure to meet organizational goal may lead to the collapse of such organizations. 2. How might a leader influence the culture of an organization? How important is the leaders style in changing the culture? How may that influence and the resulting culture be shaped to create an organization that embraces regular organizational change and innovation? Secondly, the leader needs to be the role model for his or her values. Inconsistencies between daily actions of leaders and the purported values of the organization erode the

Is PTSD linked to criminal behavior Research Paper

Is PTSD linked to criminal behavior - Research Paper Example In chapter 8 it discusses in detail the possibility of a correlation between psychological disorders like PTSD and criminal behavior. It also furnishes very relevant and useful statistics pertaining to mentally ill offenders in state and federal prisons. It presents the conclusions from many studies regarding the prevalence of mental illness amongst criminals. It is a very informative source which facilitates important insight regarding the research question from a practical, statistical and academic perspective. Chapter 7 in this book is exclusively about childhood post traumatic stress disorder and criminal behavior. It delves on the ramifications of exposure to stressful and catastrophic events on children. The book summarizes various scientific studies that link childhood trauma to juvenile delinquency, drug abuse and criminal behavior. The approach of this book towards the question under consideration is very scientific and analytical. Chapter 7 also gives a detailed historical overview of the study of childhood stress and trauma and its relation to criminal behavior. Overall, it is a reliable scientific source that will make immense contribution to the research question. It is an elaborate and detailed, peer reviewed article that offers a literature review of the prior studies focused on the association between PTSD and criminal behavior in the offenders serving sentences in state and federal prisons. This article makes an immense contribution to the selected research question in the sense that it is a compilation of the approaches and views of the previous researchers associated with the issue of PTSD and criminal behavior. This is an immensely useful source as it examines the linkage between PTSD and violent behavior. The conclusions of this article are extremely reliable as it studies the association between violent behavior

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

High-Performing Teams Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

High-Performing Teams - Assignment Example A person in leadership needs to constantly adapt to the dynamic nature of reality. Also, a leader needs to be flexible enough to handle change. Accepting and working with change helps a leader to ultimately learn from the adjustments. It teaches one to keep aiming for the goals, even when faced with detours and delays. Being flexible also helps in changing a leader’s own behavior in case he or she is the one that is derailing progress (Lencioni, 2002). Leaders who derail in their managerial career have three characteristics in common. The first characteristic is having difficulty in changing or adapting. Many leaders occasionally lack the change skills for leadership and change implementation. In many cases, they lack the skill of being flexible. They are unable to get used to the culture of the organization. Secondly, some leaders derail in leadership due to problems with interpersonal relations. Those leaders who do not have interpersonal tend to be abrasive, insensitive and intimidating in their style of leadership. In some cases, they are arrogant and aloof. In addition, such leaders do not have good interpersonal communication which is a big skill deficiency that affects others (Yukl, 2010). The last trait is inability to build and lead a team and not meeting organizational objectives. Many leaders are unable to build a good team due to poor staffing ability. Failure to meet organizational goal may lead to the collapse of such organizations. 2. How might a leader influence the culture of an organization? How important is the leaders style in changing the culture? How may that influence and the resulting culture be shaped to create an organization that embraces regular organizational change and innovation? Secondly, the leader needs to be the role model for his or her values. Inconsistencies between daily actions of leaders and the purported values of the organization erode the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

GMO's and their negative effects Research Paper

GMO's and their negative effects - Research Paper Example GMOs are unhealthy to human’s health because they are composed of toxic substances. This is so because when they are consumed, they leave behind substances that have long term effects on human health. For instance, genes added into GM soy can shift into the deoxyribonucleic acid of bacteria existing in us. This is proved when a GM com was detected in the blood of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. Therefore, doctors are then urged doctors to give prescription of a non-Genetically Modified diets for all that are affected (Smith and Jeffrey, 2007. Numerous health problems have also increased after GMOs were brought in. The percentage of persons with more chronic illnesses jumped from 8% to 14% in just ten years. There has been a rise in food allergies, disorders like autism, reproductive disorders, and digestive problems. Though there is no enough research to affirm that Genetically Modified foods are a adding element, doctors groups have alerted people not to wait but to start protecting ourselves and more so our children who are at a much risk. GMOS also create allergy that affects boys and adults. This causes allergic reactions in humans that usually occur when a nontoxic protein gets into the body and causes an immune response. Whenever the new protein in a Genetically Modified food gets from a host that is known to bring allergies in humans or one that has never been taken in as human food, the certain that the protein could evoke an immune response in human being increases. Though no allergic reactions to Genetically Modified food by users have been affirmed, in vitro prove indicating that some GM results could bring an allergic reaction has prompted biotechnology parties to cease their exploitation. Getting a GM food into the market is a hectic and costly process. This means most companies run at a loss is they do not carefully take this into account. This may result in other negative effects such as unemployment to many

Monday, October 14, 2019

Jean Piagets Theory Essay Example for Free

Jean Piagets Theory Essay Piaget’s theory is based on stages, whereby each stage represents a qualitatively different type of thinking. Children in stage one cannot think the same as children in stage 2, 3 or 4 etc. Transitions from one stage to another are generally very fast, and the stages always follow an invariant sequence. Another important characteristic of his stage theory is that they are universal; the stages will work for everyone in the world regardless of their differences (except their age, of course, which is what the stages are based on!) Piaget acknowledged that there is an interaction between a child and the environment, and this is a focal point for his theory. He believed a child cannot learn unless they are constantly interacting with their environment, making mistakes and then learning from them. He defined children as â€Å"lone scientists†; he did not identify any need for teachers or adults in cognitive development. Children have all the cognitive mechanisms to learn on their own, and the interaction with their environment allows them to do so. To put this in perspective, another theory by Lev Vygotsky suggested that the interaction is not important at all; the child will learn when encouraged to with an adult’s assistance. I will be explaining then contrasting Vygotsky’s theory to Piaget’s in my next post – so be sure to check back for that! With the background of his theory explained, let’s look at – The Key Concepts of Piaget’s theory: Before explaining the main part of Piaget’s theory (the four stages), it’s very important to look at some of the underlying principles behind it. Rather than write a stupidly long paragraph explaining it all, I will write the key terms in bold, then explain them in bullet points – just to keep things simple! †¢Schema (pl. Schemata, although some say â€Å"Schemas† for the plural) Possibly one of the most important concepts put forward by Piaget, Schemata help individuals understand the world they inhabit. They are cognitive structures that represent a certain aspect of the world, and can be seen as categories which have certain pre-conceived ideas in them. For example, my schema for Christmas includes: Christmas trees, presents, giving, money, green, red, gold, winter, Santa Claus etc. Someone else may have an entirely different schema, such as Jesus, birth, Church, holiday, Christianity etc. Of course, there are schemata for all kinds of things – yourself (self schemata), other people (people schemata), events/situations (event schemata) and roles/occupations (role schemata). With regards to Piaget’s theory, a child might have a pre-conceived schema for a dog. If the household has a small West Highland White Terrier as a dog, the schema might be â€Å"small, furry, four legs, white†. When the child interacts with a new dog – perhaps a Labrador, it will change to incorporate the new information, such as â€Å"big, golden, smooth etc.† This is known as: †¢Assimilation Simply the process of incorporating new information into a pre-existing schema. So with the â€Å"dog† example, the child assimilated the Labrador’s information into the old dog schema. Assimilation is essentially fitting new information into schemata we already have in place. Unfortunately, this can lead to stereotyping. For example, if an old lady sees a teenager mug another person, she might assimilate â€Å"violence† or â€Å"crime† into her teenage schema. Next time she sees a teenager, her schema will be applied to them – and although they may be a kind person, she will probably show prejudice. Assimilation is normally a simple process, as new information already fits the pre-exisiting categories. †¢Accommodation When coming across a new object for the first time, a child will attempt to apply an old schema to the object. For consistency, let’s use the dog example again. The child may have â€Å"four legs, furry† in their dog schema. When coming across another similar animal, such as a cat, they might say â€Å"Look, a dog!† – that’s assimilation. However, when told that it’s actually a cat – not a dog – they will accommodate the new information into another schema. They will now form a â€Å"cat† schema; â€Å"not all four legged furry animals are dogs – some are cats too!†. They have accommodated the new information. The process just mentioned – of assimilation then accommodation is known as †¢Adaptation Assimilation and accommodation are the two parts of adaptation – which is simply what it says – adapting our schemata to make an accurate (enough) model of the world we live in. It is a form of learning, but an entirely different form to the kind you’d see in behaviourist psychology for example (such as operant/classical conditioning). †¢Equilibrium Piaget suggested that humans naturally strive to achieve a cognitive balance; there must be a balance between applying prior knowledge (assimilation) and changing schemata to account for new information (accommodation). Piaget suggested that when a child has a schema which doesn’t fit reality, there is tension in the mind. By balancing the use of assimilation and accommodation, this tension is reduced and we can proceed to higher levels of thought and learning (equilibration). QUICK SUMMARY: Children have schemata (cognitive structures that contain pre-existing ideas of the world), which are constantly changing. Schemata constantly undergo adaptation, through the processes of assimilation and accommodation. When seeing new objects there is a state of tension, and a child will attempt to assimilate the information to see if it fits into prior schemata. If this fails, the information must be accommodated by either adding new schemata or modifying the existing ones to accommodate the information. By balancing the use of assimilation and accommodation, an equilibrium is created, reducing cognitive tension (equilibration). Vygotskys theories stress the fundamental role of social interaction in the development of cognition Vygotsky, 1978), as he believed strongly that community plays a central role in the process of making meaning. Unlike Piagets notion that childrens development must necessarily precede their learning, Vygotsky argued, learning is a necessary and universal aspect of the process of developing culturally organized, specifically human psychological function (1978, p. 90). In other words, social learning tends to precede (i.e. come before) development. Vygotsky has developed a socio-cultural approach to cognitive development. He developed his theories at around the same time as Jean Piaget was starting to develop his theories (1920s and 30s), but he died at the age of 38 and so his theories are incomplete although some of his writings are still being translated from Russian. No single principle (such as Piagets equilibration) can account for development. Individual development cannot be understood without reference to the social and cultural context within which it is embedded. Higher mental processes in the individual have their origin in social processes. Vygotskys theory differs from that of Piaget in a number of important ways: 1: Vygotsky places more emphasis on culture affecting/shaping cognitive development this contradicts Piagets view of universal stages and content of development. (Vygotsky does not refer to stages in the way that Piaget does). 2: Vygotsky places considerably more emphasis on social factors contributing to cognitive development (Piaget is criticised for underestimating this). 3: Vygotsky places more (and different) emphasis on the role of language in cognitive development (again Piaget is criticised for lack of emphasis on this). Effects of Culture: Tools of intellectual adaptation Like Piaget, Vygotsky claimed that infants are born with the basic materials/abilities for intellectual development Piaget focuses on motor reflexes and sensory abilities. Vygotsky refers to Elementary Mental Functions – o Attention o Sensation o Perception o Memory Eventually, through interaction within the socio-cultural environment, these are developed into more sophisticated and effective mental processes/strategies which he refers to as Higher Mental Functions. For example, memory in young children this is limited by biological factors. However, culture determines the type of memory strategy we develop. E.g., in our culture we learn note-taking to aid memory, but in pre-literate societies other strategies must be developed, such as tying knots in string to remember, or carrying pebbles, or repetition of the names of ancestors until large numbers can be repeated. Vygotsky refers to tools of intellectual adaptation these allow children to use the basic mental functions more effectively/adaptively, and these are culturally determined (e.g. memory mnemonics, mind maps). Vygotsky therefore sees cognitive functions, even those carried out alone, as affected by the beliefs, values and tools of intellectual adaptation of the culture in which a person develops and therefore socio-culturally determined. The tools of intellectual adaptation therefore vary from culture to culture as in the memory example Social Influences on Cognitive Development Like Piaget, Vygotsky believes that young children are curious and actively involved in their own learning and the discovery and development of new understandings/schema. However, Vygotsky placed more emphasis on social contributions to the process of development, whereas Piaget emphasised self-initiated discovery. According to Vygotsky (1978), much important learning by the child occurs through social interaction with a skillful tutor. The tutor may model behaviours and/or provide verbal instructions for the child. Vygotsky refers to this as co-operative or collaborative dialogue. The child seeks to understand the actions or instructions provided by the tutor (often the parent or teacher) then internalizes the information, using it to guide or regulate their own performance. Shaffer (1996) gives the example of a young girl who is given her first jigsaw. Alone, she performs poorly in attempting to solve the puzzle. The father then sits with her and describes or demonstrates some basic strategies, such as finding all the comer/edge pieces and provides a couple of pieces for the child to put together herself and offers encouragement when she does so. As the child becomes more competent, the father allows the child to work more independently. According to Vygotsky, this type of social interaction involving co-operative or collaborative dialogue promotes cognitive development. In order to gain an understanding of Vygotskys theories on cognitive development, one must understand two of the main principles of Vygotskys work: the More Knowledgeable Other (MKO) and the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). More Knowledgeable Other The more knowledgeable other (MKO) is somewhat self-explanatory; it refers to someone who has a better understanding or a higher ability level than the learner, with respect to a particular task, process, or concept. Although the implication is that the MKO is a teacher or an older adult, this is not necessarily the case. Many times, a childs peers or an adults children may be the individuals with more knowledge or experience. For example, who is more likely to know more about the newest teen-age music groups, how to win at the most recent PlayStation game, or how to correctly perform the newest dance craze a child or their parents? In fact, the MKO need not be a person at all. Some companies, to support employees in their learning process, are now using electronic performance support systems. Electronic tutors have also been used in educational settings to facilitate and guide students through the learning process. The key to MKOs is that they must have (or be programmed with) more knowledge about the topic being learned than the learner does. Zone of Proximal Development The concept of the More Knowledgeable Other is integrally related to the second important principle of Vygotskys work, the Zone of Proximal Development. This is an important concept that relates to the difference between what a child can achieve independently and what a child can achieve with guidance and encouragement from a skilled partner. For example, the child could not solve the jigsaw puzzle (in the example above) by itself and would have taken a long time to do so (if at all), but was able to solve it following interaction with the father, and has developed competence at this skill that will be applied to future jigsaws. Vygotsky (1978) sees the Zone of Proximal Development as the area where the most sensitive instruction or guidance should be given allowing the child to develop skills they will then use on their own developing higher mental functions. Vygotsky also views interaction with peers as an effective way of developing skills and strategies. He suggests that teachers use cooperative learning exercises where less competent children develop with help from more skillful peers within the zone of proximal development.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Analysis of the Cadbury Business Essay examples -- Business and Manage

Analysis of the Cadbury Business The person, who created the Cadbury business, is John Cadbury in 1824. The business started as a shop in a fashionable place in Birmingham. It sold things such as tea and coffee, mustard and a new sideline - cocoa and drinking chocolate, which John Cadbury prepared himself using a mortar and pestle. In 1847 the Cadbury business became a partnership. This is because John Cadbury took his brother, which also made it a family business. The business was now known as The Cadbury Brothers. A factory in Birmingham was rented, to produce their products. In 1854 the company received its first Royal Warrant as 'manufacturers of cocoa and chocolate to Queen Victoria'. In 1856 John Cadbury's son Richard joined the company, followed in 1861 Richard and George became the second Cadbury brothers to run the business when their father retired due to failing health. The first Cadbury factory was built in the country; it was built in the green fields of Kings Norton, outside the city of Birmingham, between 1899. This place was named "Bournville", which was named by George Cadbury where he built the factory. This took place because George Cadbury had an image, with a saying, "If the country is a good place to live in, why not work in it?" So he took his workers to live and work in (the country) Bournville. Further on the years Cadbury invited new recipes, so new chocolate were been created, for instance in 1915 Cadbury's Milk Tray, in 1920, Cadbury's Flake, in 1938 Roses were created. In 1969 Cadbury and Schweppes that is a beverage business merged together as a business. This business grew worldwide over centuries, it manufactured, marketed and distributed products in over 2... ...s shortcomings - Analysing process problems - Making a process change - Measuring the effects of the process change - Communicating both ways between supervisor and user TQM Compared to ISO 9001 ISO 9000 is a Quality System Management Standard. TQM is a philosophy of perpetual improvement. The ISO Quality Standard sets in place a system to deploy policy and verifiable objectives. An ISO implementation is a basis for a Total Quality Management implementation. Where there is an ISO system, about 75 percent of the steps are in place for TQM. The requirements for TQM can be considered ISO plus. Another aspect relating to the ISO Standard is that the proposed changes for the next revision (1999) will contain customer satisfaction and measurement requirements. In short, implementing TQM is being proactive concerning quality rather than reactive. Analysis of the Cadbury Business Essay examples -- Business and Manage Analysis of the Cadbury Business The person, who created the Cadbury business, is John Cadbury in 1824. The business started as a shop in a fashionable place in Birmingham. It sold things such as tea and coffee, mustard and a new sideline - cocoa and drinking chocolate, which John Cadbury prepared himself using a mortar and pestle. In 1847 the Cadbury business became a partnership. This is because John Cadbury took his brother, which also made it a family business. The business was now known as The Cadbury Brothers. A factory in Birmingham was rented, to produce their products. In 1854 the company received its first Royal Warrant as 'manufacturers of cocoa and chocolate to Queen Victoria'. In 1856 John Cadbury's son Richard joined the company, followed in 1861 Richard and George became the second Cadbury brothers to run the business when their father retired due to failing health. The first Cadbury factory was built in the country; it was built in the green fields of Kings Norton, outside the city of Birmingham, between 1899. This place was named "Bournville", which was named by George Cadbury where he built the factory. This took place because George Cadbury had an image, with a saying, "If the country is a good place to live in, why not work in it?" So he took his workers to live and work in (the country) Bournville. Further on the years Cadbury invited new recipes, so new chocolate were been created, for instance in 1915 Cadbury's Milk Tray, in 1920, Cadbury's Flake, in 1938 Roses were created. In 1969 Cadbury and Schweppes that is a beverage business merged together as a business. This business grew worldwide over centuries, it manufactured, marketed and distributed products in over 2... ...s shortcomings - Analysing process problems - Making a process change - Measuring the effects of the process change - Communicating both ways between supervisor and user TQM Compared to ISO 9001 ISO 9000 is a Quality System Management Standard. TQM is a philosophy of perpetual improvement. The ISO Quality Standard sets in place a system to deploy policy and verifiable objectives. An ISO implementation is a basis for a Total Quality Management implementation. Where there is an ISO system, about 75 percent of the steps are in place for TQM. The requirements for TQM can be considered ISO plus. Another aspect relating to the ISO Standard is that the proposed changes for the next revision (1999) will contain customer satisfaction and measurement requirements. In short, implementing TQM is being proactive concerning quality rather than reactive.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Internet Users Should Practice Self Restraint :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

Internet Users Should Practice Self Restraint The generation of the 90s, the information generation, or better yet the generation-X, has been plunged into a world of computers. To survive, each individual must have knowledge of and feel comfortable with the computer; a scary word and a frightful system to those not acquainted with it. The Internet is the essential application that needs to be grasped. It is the information network of the future. However, the variety of people using it is as vast as the world around. Hence, this is a community that is truly the world's largest melting pot, bringing people together from all ends of the world. The Internet becomes a social structure and with any social structure, it has its problems. Today, one of the rising problems with the Internet is that most people have their entire lives on the system; hence they are potentially exposed to all types of criminals. All addresses, phone numbers, credit histories, and sometimes even photographs can be found through the net. As in the real world, even in the Internet, women seem to be in a vulnerable position because they are the least protected by stalkers, kidnappers, murderers and psychopaths in general. A point, in fact clearly demonstrated in the movie "The Net", starring Sandra Bullock who was chased down by the government through the Internet. Although, many times the individual can remain anonymous and separate from all biases and prejudices, they still have all their information stored for it to be pried into by any clever hacker. Another vulnerable group constitutes children; lawmakers and concerned citizens worry about them being exposed to "adult material" on the Internet. At times it is as if their first priority becomes protecting these children from pornography, offensive material and often times just extreme view points. A downside to focusing so much attention on pornography is that often people are just fueling the curiosity of those they are aiming to protect. Although regulating the Internet for children is beneficial, often the regulations also encompass college students, who need a free hand to travel through this medium. This protection from "adult material" often restricts the learning process and prevents them from fully experiencing the Internet. Recently, lawmakers have attempted to set guidelines for the Internet. This poses a problem in itself because the Internet is a worldwide system. The rules that are placed must be agreed upon across the globe. Internet Users Should Practice Self Restraint :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays Internet Users Should Practice Self Restraint The generation of the 90s, the information generation, or better yet the generation-X, has been plunged into a world of computers. To survive, each individual must have knowledge of and feel comfortable with the computer; a scary word and a frightful system to those not acquainted with it. The Internet is the essential application that needs to be grasped. It is the information network of the future. However, the variety of people using it is as vast as the world around. Hence, this is a community that is truly the world's largest melting pot, bringing people together from all ends of the world. The Internet becomes a social structure and with any social structure, it has its problems. Today, one of the rising problems with the Internet is that most people have their entire lives on the system; hence they are potentially exposed to all types of criminals. All addresses, phone numbers, credit histories, and sometimes even photographs can be found through the net. As in the real world, even in the Internet, women seem to be in a vulnerable position because they are the least protected by stalkers, kidnappers, murderers and psychopaths in general. A point, in fact clearly demonstrated in the movie "The Net", starring Sandra Bullock who was chased down by the government through the Internet. Although, many times the individual can remain anonymous and separate from all biases and prejudices, they still have all their information stored for it to be pried into by any clever hacker. Another vulnerable group constitutes children; lawmakers and concerned citizens worry about them being exposed to "adult material" on the Internet. At times it is as if their first priority becomes protecting these children from pornography, offensive material and often times just extreme view points. A downside to focusing so much attention on pornography is that often people are just fueling the curiosity of those they are aiming to protect. Although regulating the Internet for children is beneficial, often the regulations also encompass college students, who need a free hand to travel through this medium. This protection from "adult material" often restricts the learning process and prevents them from fully experiencing the Internet. Recently, lawmakers have attempted to set guidelines for the Internet. This poses a problem in itself because the Internet is a worldwide system. The rules that are placed must be agreed upon across the globe.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice Actually the Summer Solstice story of he famous Nick Joaquin and the Movie Tatarin was great. Great in the sense that it shows the true meaning of the story that men should sometimes be equal to women and women can also dominate men in all criteria of living. The following are some events that are not in the story itself and were added in the movie: ? The scene that Amada is dancing the ritual in the forest. ? All the sexy or bed scenes that are added for the spice of the movie to give some interest for some men ? The rituals they do in the Balete tree that there some kind of vegetables that symbolizes something ? Michaela and Maggie are not originally in the story and also the scene where Maggie is dancing with Guido and seducing him by letting him touch her breast. ? The flashback scene were Don Paeng is watching the Pareade of St John and Tatarin when he was young ? The scene at the Church were they have a listened the mass ? The women of Tatarin dancing with the men of St. John in the forest and I the part the sex scene of Guido and Donya Lupe ? When Donya Lupe put oil in his body and imagining that he is with someone ? The scene were Don Paeng invited Guido while dancing to have some drink There are nothing that has been removed them only added but there are some changes of setting Example are: ? the place they held the ritual it is said in the book that it is a chapel while in the movie it is in the forest ? originally in the story that Donya Lupe has three boys but in the movie she has two boys only ? he characteristic of Amada was change in the story she is fat but she was presented in the movie by Rica Peralejo who is a sexy woman ? I think one is the place were Do Paeng was beaten by the women of Tatarin In the Story some characters or things that symbolize something the following are some: ? The Age of Byron it symbolizes Guido as a conventional man ? The Age of Victoria which symbolizes Paeng as a traditional man ? The moon which means the domi nance of women The Crocodile it symbolizes the women of Tatarin being strong and wild ? Men kissing the feet of the women means that men adore the women and respect for them ? The sun in symbolizes the men ? Tatarin ritual symbolizes that women can also dominate men sometimes it shows supremacy with women ? St John symbolizes men in the sense that there is somekind of empower ment of men over women ? The saying pagpantay ng araw at buwan mean that it being showed that during these times men can be equal with women

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Burglary: Criminal Law and Effective Entry

Burglary is an offence under Section 9 of the Thefts Act, which is in 2 separate parts. The first sub section is s9(1)(a) which states â€Å" a person is guilty of burglary if he enters any building or part of a building as a trespasser with the intent to steal, inflict grievous bodily harm, or do unlawful damage to the building or anything in it. † The second part is s9(1)(b) which says â€Å"a person is guilty of burglary if having entered a building or part of a building as a trespasser, he steals or attempts to steal anything in the building or inflicts or attempts to inflict grievous bodily harm on any person in the building†.The difference between the two subsections is the intention at the time of entry. For example s9 (1)(a) the defendant must have the intention to steal, cause GBH or do unlawful damage at the time of entry. For s9 (1)(b) what the defendant intends to do is irrelevant the prosecution must prove that the defendant committed or attempted to commit Theft or GBH. So already there are some confusions with whether or not the defendant would be guilty of Burglary under s9(1)(a) or s9(1)(b). Entry is not defined in the Theft Act, but there have been several cases that help us on what the word â€Å"Entry† actually means.The first case on Entry was the case of Collins 1972. In this case the defendant had drunk alcohol and decided he wanted to have sex. He saw a window that was open and climbed a ladder so he could have a look in. He saw there was a naked girl inside asleep on her bed. So he went down the ladder took off his clothes and climbed back up it to the girls room. She woke up and thought it was her boyfriend and helped him into the bedroom where they had full intercourse. Collins was convicted on s9(1)(a) as he entered with intention to rape.Before 2004 if someone was entering a building with the intention of rape it would be included in this section, but now it is under the Sexual Offences Act. Collins appealed to his conviction as he said that he wasn’t a trespasser when he entered the building as the girl invited him in. The Court of Appeal quashed his conviction as there was no evidence that he was a trespasser and this is what is needed to be guilty of s9(1)(a) and of course Burglary. Brown was also another case that helped clarify what was regarded as entry. The defendant was standing outside but leaning in through a shop window rummaging through the goods.His feet and lower body was outside the shop. The Court of Appeal decided that he had effectively entered the building and therefore his conviction was upheld. However in the case of Ryan the need for effective entry was not followed. In his case the defendant the got trapped in the window he was trying to climb through into a house at 2. 30 am. His head and right arm was stuck inside the house and the rest of his body was outside. This could scarcely be seen to be an effective entry. How ever the Court of Appeal upheld his conv iction as they said the jury could find that the defendant had entered.So what actually qualifies as an effective entry is discovered in these cases. They have clarified by cases like Brown that you will still be guilty of burglary even if your whole body isn’t inside the actual building. Also by cases like the Collins case if you have been invited in by anybody then you cannot be guilty of burglary as you’re not a trespasser. The Theft Act does however give a description of what is considered as a building or part of a building. All inhabited places are considered as buildings so that would include houseboats or caravans, are considered as buildings/dwellings.To be a considered as a building the structure must have some degree of permanence. The main problem for the courts, have occurred where a structure such as a portacabin for example has been used for storage or office work. Moveable structures like this can be seen as buildings even though their use in particular places is only temporary. Section 9 (4) deals with what is considered to be a building and it also says â€Å"buildings include inhabited vehicles or vessels†. Two cases that helped clarify what was considered as a building was the cases B and S v Leathley.In this case a 25 foot long freezer container had been kept in a farmyard for over two years. It was used as a storage facility. It rested on sleepers, had doors with locks and was connected to the electricity supply. This was considered a building because it had some degree of permanence as it was there for 2 years. In the case of Norfolk Constabulary v Seeking and Gould, a lorry trailer with wheels which had been used for over a year for storage, had steps providing access and was connected to electricity supply, was held not be a building.The fact that it had wheels meant that it remained a vehicle. The courts have tried to clarify what a building is but it is still very unclear as some aspects of what the courts look a t are still very difficult, such as how long the structure is there for. â€Å"Part of building† is used to cover situations in which the defendant may have permission to be in one part of the building and is therefore not a trespasser, but doesn’t have permission to be in another part of the building. An example of this is the case of Walkington.In this case the defendant went into a counter area in a shop and opened a till. This area was clearly marked by a three-sided counter. The defendant was convicted of burglary under section 9(1)(a) as he was a trespasser when he went behind the counter. The critical point in this case was that the counter area was not an area where customers were permitted to go. Just like storerooms in shops customers are allowed to be in the shop but not the storeroom. I think that the courts have clarified this very well because of the examples that have used especially the case of Walkington.And the example of people not being allowed in s torerooms but they are allowed in the shop. Also students are allowed in most places in school but they wouldn’t be allowed to stroll into their head teacher’s office. In order for the defendant to commit burglary they must enter as a trespasser. If they have permission to enter then that makes them not a trespasser as we have seen in the Collins case that I have explained above in the first paragraph. The original use of the word trespasser in law comes from the civil law.It was assumed that the meaning of trespasser would be the same as in civil law that â€Å"trespass is entry without the consent of the lawful occupier of the building†. The case of Collins made it clear that there was more required that just the entry. They needed to prove that the defendant entered knowing he was a trespasser or was reckless as to whether or not he was entering the premise of another without permission. Going beyond permission is where the defendant is given permission to en tre but then goes beyond that permission and then is considered a trespasser.This is explained in the case of the Smith and Jones. In this case Smith and his friend went to Smiths fathers house in the middle of the night and took two television set’s without the father’s permission. The father stated that his son would not be a trespasser in the house; he had a general permission to entre. They were convicted for burglary as they had gone beyond their permission to be there. This is similar to the case of Barker v R, where one person was going away and asked the neighbour to watch the house and told them where the key was. The defendant used the key to entre and steal.He was found guilty of burglary. There are many situations where a person has permission to entre for a limited purpose. For example when people go to a concert they are only allowed there for a certain amount of time. The offence of Burglary has been given a definition by Parliament, but it has been left to the courts to clarify all the key points. All the areas have been explained but some have been clarified more than others and as a consequence some areas are still very difficult to understand for example what is a building or part of a building, and going beyond permission.

Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc

Strategic Recruitment is critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission because the organization needs people that can think out of the box and grasp concepts that are different from the normal. An organization is only as successful as it is able to keep up with change. By bring in strategic and aggressive people it allows the organization to bring in new and fresh ideas to motivate the current staff that maybe stale with confident from tenure. Summary of the Case Kelly, CEO, has been running Heidrick & Struggles making sounds, low risk, and financial investments in order to get his company to the next level; he now looks to more high risk, but yet higher dividend investment into technology. The technology investments do not have a long track record of dividend which concerns the company of its financial stability. How can Kelly convent them, that he is making an aggressive decision in order to get his company to the next level? Issues The company probably has for years been buying stocks and bonds, and these investments are low risk and low pay out investments. Kelly no longer wants to maintain the organization, but he wants to grow the organization instead. Alternate Courses of Action There are likely better investments with a proven financial track record. I am sure that the organization trust Kelly’s judgment but simply wants more proven assurance that the decision being made are wise decision. Being able to track an investment returns over a longer time period can be proof enough of it financial worth. Recommendations My recommendations are to do more research on more technology funds in the technology field, look for companies with tenure within management and strong financial security. Even thought technology may be the current investment venture I would do more research to predict future market trends so that I could stay ahead of the curve. Conclusion Kelly wants to see his organization grow, but in the future make sure homework is done and brought to the table first for consideration. Kelly must be to do his homework and is able to actually believe in his research before he will be able to convent anyone else of his idea.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 25

Assignment Example However, there are also a number of similarities like acculturation process and the styles and patterns of communication. It was found that genderlect and cross-national aspects were similar in some ways and different in others. The differences in cross-national and intra-national management were different due to legislation, magnitude and time horizon. This was because different countries follow a different constitution or a set of rules, are going forward with a different goal in mind and their time-frame also may vary from each other. Training programs designed for cross-national and intra-national differences management are; programs implemented to increase awareness and develop communication channels. Both these programs can help in further advancement and achievement in the field by the help of education and easy and effective ways to communicate. The implications include implementing the research and the results drawn. This can be done by selection, ability to get accustomed to changes. Second implication may be by management of differences between various backgrounds with the help of acculturation process. Third method includes training the individuals by developing communication proficiency. The article gives wide range of knowledge regarding management, when it comes to differences between countries and their inhabitants. Business firms and organizations need to establish certain qualities which help them to withstand barriers which usually arise in the course of international dealings. These similarities and differences, when studied and focused on, and implemented through out the world, can help improve management in cross-national and croos-0cultural as well as intra-national environments. The purpose of this article is to learn how to build effective networks which may be social, digital or organizational. Our lives are surrounded by many such networks; like social, professional etc. Some important networks have a great impact

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Case Study IVb Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

IVb - Case Study Example Unlike consumption, investments are not made from the disposable income and, therefore they are better indicators of economic growth. Indeed, consumption does not have a direct correlation with people’s earnings. This is because people will tend to maintain a stable consumption despite income fluctuations. â€Å"Consumption varies less than GDP because consumption depends on disposable income† (Bade, & Michael, 2002). This indicates that consumption cannot be a better measure for economic growth. Moreover, an extreme economic situation such as booms and recession depends in investment trends (Bade, & Michael, 2002). For instance, the 2001 recession resulted from a decline in investment and not consumption. On the conference Board’s index of leading economic indicators, consumer confidence might affect investment. This is because consumers are fundamentals drivers of the economy. Ideally, consumer confidence affects consumer’s decisions, which in turn determines investment trends and capacity. Consumer confidence also indicates a sustainable investment rate. This is because consumer confidence only occurs in a stable economy (McEachern, 2012). For instance, consumers in the banking sector will be confidence with if the industry has a sustainable investment rate. In such an economy, entry and exit of businesses from a particular economy is minimal. Consequently, the leading economy index would give or gives minimal information on the country’s investment and, therefore not a sufficient

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Critical Literature Review - Gender In Leadership Essay

Critical Literature Review - Gender In Leadership - Essay Example This study critically reviews literature on leadership ascendance, unravelling the myths of glass ceiling against women. This study begins with sentiments raised to demonstrate women in management can progress despite the environment they are working in, accompanied in the end by the arguments that claim the gender glass ceiling is a bigger force than thought. The case of Lebanese women leadership roles in the well established managerial sector has variously been referred to as a model to explain the situation. Increased effectiveness in senior management has been argued as a benefit of involvement of women in senior management (Huse and Nielsen, 2010, p136). Such observation can be supported by lack of conflict in women management and leadership styles. Strategic control measures are now being taken by many corporations to minimize leadership conflicts and enhance results. Only a few companies have however adopted such policies, with some arguing that management should be detached form positive discrimination. However in Aras and Crowther (2009, p160), an observation is made that management in the Lebanese corporate field is changing and has adopted equity in job allocation, based on merit and ability. The current information period in which the Lebanese managerial sector is operating brings the best management practices to the attention of business management. Women promotion is still not satisfactorily established bearing in mind that the cultural practices in the Lebanese community wil l continue to contest for popularity with globalization. Price (53) offers management and individual approaches that can be implemented or adopted to overcome the challenge pose by the glass ceiling to women in leadership. Women attitude on their roles in management is illustrated as a very strong force in the treatment that they face from their male counterparts. However, most of the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Organizational Behavior - Essay Example According to Huczyski and Buchanan (2009), a central part of the concept of the organization and administration is the development of administration perceptions and what skill should be termed as administration theory. The application of the theory brings complete alteration in the management practices. Management theories are a well-defined set of general guidelines that direct the managers to effectively manage an organization. Management theories are helpful for employees for carrying out effective collaboration with business objectives and the sources required for achieving the goal. Organisational behavior is based on understanding the management principles. Knowledge of the history helps in understanding the attributes of administration and management behavior along with the affirmation of the major areas of organizational function (Huczynski A & Buchanan, D 2009). Management theories are analytic and can be implemented in accordance with the diverse administrative contexts. Ap proaches to Management & Organisation The above chart describes the main approaches to organizational behavior (Mullins 2005). Organisational studies, organization behavior, and management practices are analytical concepts and they depict the precise use of ability on how humans as individuals and as groups act within the organization. The initial writers presented the management theories on the basis of understanding the various purposes of management and its functions within an organization.  Ã‚  ... 1. Classical Approach The initial writers presented the management theories on the basis of understanding the various purposes of management and its functions within an organisation. They built the management concept categorising it as work planning, the profound requirements of the organisation, challenge of management, and the acceptance of rational and analytic behaviour. 2. Human Relationship In Behaviour Management The human aspect of the classical writers was a framework for the organisation, however during the 1920s, the years of the Great Depression; the greater incorporation began with the human relations and the organisational behaviour (Mullins, 2005). 3. The System Approach In the recent days, interest has been focused on the evaluation of organisations as systems with an amount of shared sub-systems. The classical access emphasised the complex requirements of the organisation and its people. According to this theory, the managers should be able to understand the aspirati ons of their employees or subordinates in order to create an effective working relationship with them. It also determines the various factors by which an employee can be motivated towards working well in the firm. This would help in achieving organisational goals with more effectiveness and commitment. The theory draws attention towards the hygiene factors of motivation of employees within an organisation and the aspects that should be considered by managers in the course of management. An interrelationship can be drawn here with the understanding of organisational behaviour and the human relation theory of management which emphasises the behavioural element which is shared mutually with both the subjects. The concept of the management theory

Friday, October 4, 2019

Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5

Financial Management - Essay Example This paper will explore the different ways by which business entities can deal with the exchange rate variations to protect the value of their assets and profits against unpredictable risks. In recent years derivatives have been developed in order to provide some sort of insurance in the face of uncertainty caused by the changes in the foreign exchange rates. Derivative, or hybrid, investments, unlike stocks and bonds, do not represent ownership of shares, such as stocks, or a promise of loan repayment, such as bonds, and are once or twice removed from a real product. For example, a crude oil futures contract is a bet on which way crude oil prices will move, but what happens to the product itself is of no interest to the investor When an individual converts one currency into another in an actual exchange, the risk inherent in this activity is called a transaction exposure. Multinationals often face translation exposure, or the risk that arises from the need to re-state one currency in terms of another currency for accounting purposes. The risk arises because exchange risk volatility can impact the value of net assets and profits at the time of their translation. (See Kolb 1997). Financial derivatives are based on an underlying instrument such interest as debt instruments or foreign currencies. Most predominant among these derivatives are forward contracts, but futures contracts, option contracts, and swap contracts are also used by businesses as means of hedging. Hedging is distinguished from speculation in that the hedger wants to shift risk to others while the speculator hopes to make profits for the risk he is taking. A futures contract is an agreement that one party will accept delivery of a particular asset – either real or financial – on some date in the future at a price determined today. If one is intending to buy an asset in the future, one could buy a futures contract (a long position) today to fix the